30 Mar 2023 March 30th, 2023 We sat in a meeting on the California Dream for all, and below are some key bullet points that we need to be concerned with on this program! For those of you living under a rock, this program allows a buyer to buy with no down, but the state will come in with 20% as […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
21 Mar 2023 March 21, 2023 Clients are always asking if there are incentives for first-time buyers, and there are usually a few. Still, recently, Fannie Mae decided that they would give credit to first-time buyers that get rid of some of their Loan Level Price adjustments, saving many of our first-time buyers about .250% on their interest rate, but there […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
9 Mar 2023 March 9, 2023 Many seniors own their primary residence free and clear and are looking for extra cash flow with the inflation we have seen over the past 18 months. I was talking with clients yesterday, and they were looking to buy a property with some cash, and they are taking out a Reverse Mortgage on their house […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
23 Feb 2023 February 23, 2023 Next month FHA is reducing the PMI on all FHA loans. This change should help buyers with financing and affordability. The PMI cut is 30 basis points across the board, but it brings PMI down on loan amounts between $625,000.00 -$726,000.00 by 50 Basis points. It also makes payments on an FHA loan lower than […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
16 Feb 2023 February 16, 2023 When we talk to clients and pre-approve them for loans, we run into many scenarios and need to decipher what an underwriter would think and whether or not we believe the scenario will get approved. Below are a couple of examples of what we see every day and have to decide whether these people should […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter