Latest Articles

July 28, 2022

I hope you have been enjoying your week so far. It seems like the market is picking up a little bit due to interest rates. The Federal Reserve raised short-term interest rates, which generally increase rates on Home Equity Lines of Credit and on cars and credit cards. It also helps slow down inflation, and […]

July 7, 2022

I hope you had a wonderful long weekend, and this short week is packed with production. Last week was pretty humbling as we had to lay off people for what I hope is the last time. We try to run a tight ship, but with the market slowing down, we could not maintain the payroll […]

June 30, 2022

I hope you are having a great week so far, and please be safe over the 4th of July weekend. Many great products are hitting the market again that are helping our buyers save money at the start of the loan process. Here is an oldie but goodie for people looking to buy with a […]

June 29, 2022

I know it is a day late, sorry!! I had to take an exam to complete my Texas and Arizona licensing yesterday. Yes, I passed, but I hate that stuff! I can now do loans in Arizona and Texas so bring those babies my way!!! Monday was a bloodbath in the mortgage industry, and I […]

June 23, 2022

I hope you are doing well, and I hope you are having a great week. I know this will be a great weekend to work even though it will be hot as next week is 4th of July and you know how everything stops for holidays! I keep getting the same call from my Real […]