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I want to take you back 18 months when interest rates were in the low 3’s. Yes, that was only 18 months ago, but it seems like a lifetime. If interest rates remained in the 3’s, we would have never seen the summer pullback last year when rates went to 7+%! We would have never […]

6/13/23 – Fire Insurance

I am getting a lot of inquiries and concerns about insurance and wanted to get you a few quotes on different properties we are doing loans on or insurance agents I know have quoted lately! Yes, rates have increased, but people are still writing in most areas. I am not an insurance expert, but I […]

6/1/2023 – Technology to get you business

We have seen an increase in great technology products helping real Estate Agents and Loan officers nationwide. Two of the products that I use and are particularly helpful are Homebot and List Reports, and both are for different reasons. List reports is 100% free to the agents, and Homebot is free to agents up to […]