Latest Articles

October 18, 2022

I keep getting the same question, can my buyer assume the loan and rate the seller has? The answer is generally no, but there are a few exceptions. FHA will allow an assumption with a full underwrite by the assumption department, which will take 30-60-90 days, so good luck! VA will allow a Veteran with […]

October 13, 2022

I wrote about a 2/1 Buydown on rates a couple of months ago, but that was a different market, and I think this is an excellent loan now. It allows a buyer to take a lower interest rate for the first two years, then the loan is a fixed rate for the final 28 years, […]

October 11, 2022

I hope you are doing well, and I hope you are having a happy and healthy week so far. Did you hear that the Rams are in the Super Bowl? LOL! I have not written about Bridge Loans in quite a while. Although most of you know what they are and do, but do you […]

October 6, 2022

Monday and Tuesday had some promise on the interest rate front, and Wednesday and Thursday have now crushed our dreams of a rate recovery! It’s just another week, and the 4th quarter has started like the other three, with weakness all around. I was talking with quite a few people that are pretty down about […]

October 4, 2022

We have seen a few clients lately buying a second property and wanting to use their VA without selling it. They have a VA loan already. They can do this most of the time, but they may have to put money down on the new purchase as they may not have enough eligibility to buy […]