Latest Articles

10/26/2023 – What can you improve at?

We find ourselves almost a month into the year’s final quarter, and there’s an abundance of gloomy market talk circulating. I get it; I’m in the same boat. But remember, the seeds we plant today will blossom when the real estate market blooms in just a few months. Yes, it may sound like I’ve been […]

10/24/23 – Profit and Loss Statement Loan

I am sharing a program we have been doing some Business on recently. With the higher interest rates, we see people needing help qualifying based on their taxes or business bank statements so that we can use a Profit and Loss Statement Loan instead. This loan does not require W-2s, Tax Returns, or Paystubs, and here are […]

10/19/2023 – Permanent Buydowns

I want to give a big, hearty thank you to everyone who graced us with their presence at our Oktoberfest bash last night! We were thrilled to see more than 350 of you lovely folks turning our office backyard into a mini Bavarian paradise. Your attendance truly made the night unforgettable, and we promise we […]